I crave cheesecakes occasionally and I prefer baked cheesecakes to the unbaked ones. But most cheesecakes are so rich, and I always find myself bloated if I finish a whole slice!
This is a great recipe from my mum. It is a cross between a sponge cake and a cheese cake. In Malaysia, it is known as a Japanese Cheese Cake.
Japanese Cheese Cake Recipe
250g cream cheese
1 cup milk
6 eggs, seperated
140g caster sugar
90g butter
40g plain flour
20g corn flour
2 tbsp lemon juice
Rind of one lemon, grated (optional)
Preheat oven to 140 degrees. Grease and line a 9 inch square tin.
Place butter and milk in a saucepan and heat until butter melts. Slowly add cream cheese and incorporate until smooth (If lumpy, push through strainer when slightly cooled). Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
Beat egg whites until soft peaks. Gradually add sugar until combined (do not beat until stiff).
Add yolks and lemon juice to the cream cheese mixture. Fold both flours into the mixture.
Then, fold a third of the whites into the mixture, followed by the rest of the whites. Pour mixture into prepared tin and place in a water bath (use a bigger oven tray, fill it with some boiling water and place baking tin onto the oven tray). Place in oven and bake for 1 hr 20 mins or test with a skewer, and it comes out clean.
Leave to cool. Remove from baking tin and refrigerate overnight before slicing.
Note: Slice cheesecake with a warm knife to get a clean cut. Also, if you were to invest in a mixer, get a KitchenAid because it is worth every cent!
I love how beautiful your cheesecake looks in its individual serves. Thanks for the blog site. I'll be busier I'm sure with all these sites to keep me company!
Hey, do you have a recipe for oyakodon?
Belinda: Again I was lucky enough to sample this dessert. It was really nice and light and not too heavy (like the spongy texture). Which is dangerous b/c I could eat a whole lot of it!
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