'The chocolate centre flows like dark lava onto the whiteness of the plate. The last ounce of stress drains from my body....I have discovered the French version of Death by Chocolate' is an excerpt from a book called Lunch in Paris by Elizabeth Bard. When I read that, I thought I had found a kindred spirit who so eloquently describes how I feel when eating a chocolate fondant (aka as soft centred choc pudding- see related recipe) Any calamity seems bearable or forgotten when chocolate is consumed.

This is a book that I received in the mail yesterday and just started reading it, but I love it already! Why? Because in between chapters there are French recipes! (picture me grinning from ear to ear) It is a story about the writer falling in love with a French man after having lunch in Paris (sounds cliche, but it is based on a true story) Can there be anything better than food and love combined? I'm going to read this delicious looking book and attempt some of the recipes in it. I'll let you know how good (or bad) it is along the way.... :)
when you come to KL, will get you 'death by chocolate' by one of the best cake shop here ' just heavenly'.. they also made the best durian chocolate cake
OOoooOOoo.. that sounds nice. I've never had durian with chocolate, that must be and interesting combo!
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