Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beef Rendang

Can you believe that I made this with 6 ingredients? I am about to share with you one of my secrets, which is the A1 Brand instant curry paste (available at most Asian Grocers. Again, mine was from Box Hill). I am quite sure that even some reputable restaurants use this brand of curry paste. My mum introduced me to it and she uses it to make chicken curry (which is similar to this recipe, just substitute the beef for chicken pieces, add some water to dilute the sauce and cook for less time. Don't use chicken breast though).

I love using this paste for my beef rendang recipe. The kaffir lime is quite important, as it adds the extra dimension of flavour to the curry. The tomato paste also gives the curry that reddish tint, very nice especially when the coconut milk splits during the cooking process and the oil adopts the redness of the tomato paste.I assure you, you will not be disappointed when you make this at home. And it is so easy!!!

And what do you think of my ceramic ware (used in the pic)? I purchased 4 different bowls with lids, all with that similar hand-painted design and lugged it all the way home from Thailand..... I know, I'm quite mad. But, I still have no regrets. Love it! :)

Beef Rendang Recipe

1 kg beef chuck, cut into large cubes
400ml coconut milk
1/2 packet A1 brand Instant Curry Paste
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp sugar
3 large kaffir lime leaves, torn into large pieces (optional but recommended)

Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a caserrole dish. Brown the beef on all sides (Do it in seperate batches). Add the curry paste to the beef and stir until all the beef is coated. Fry for a few minutes until fragrant. Add coconut milk, kaffir lime, sugar and tomato paste. Stir and bring to boil, lower heat to simmer and cover. Cook for 2 hrs on low heat, stirring every 15 mins (Or until beef is very tender and almost falling into pieces)

I did not have to add any seasoning. The curry paste is salty enough. Serve with steam rice.

Hint: Curries normally taste better the next day, so make it the day before and reheat it when required. Also, if you don't eat beef, use lamb instead.


Bernie said...

This beef rendang is better than any I've had in a restaurant for sure.

Bernie said...

*sigh* I am going to miss my lovely wife's cooking. How am I going to survive on instant noodles for 3 weeks???

Unknown said...

I've just cooked this tonight and its terific! Kane absolutely loved it :) The A1 curry paste is a winner - so is the kaffir lime leaves. I think I am going to cook more of your receipes through your blog!

Hanoz said...

You might like to know that I shared your recipe in Pinterest: I enjoyed it and so did my wife. Thank you.